Reclaiming the power of community for Appalachian Kentucky begins with investing in the people rooted there.
We believe in consistently and intentionally shifting control back into the hands of local leaders.

We support communities
We bring together people, ideas, and resources to build communities and encourage philanthropy. Our approach is to meet communities where they are instead of telling them where they should be. Because, at the end of the day, we believe that investing in the people rooted in communities is the way to make them better.
We grow assets
We connect investors with local people and programs working toward lasting, positive change. We are reshaping grantmaking strategy in the region by creating conditions for businesses and programs to succeed. We pursue relationships with startups and organizations that celebrate Appalachian culture and grow local economies. Capital meant to drive positive impact in local communities should stay in those communities.

We strengthen leadership
We motivate and develop community leaders, and eliminate barriers to growth. We use our network and voice to inspire support for persistent problems within communities. By sharing experience and expertise, we provide a platform for communities to speak for themselves. We celebrate the culture of Appalachia by helping people rooted in communities grow opportunities and economies.