WHat is a community Foundation?
A community foundation is a public charity with a geographic focus. A benefit of this focus is community foundations pool donations so they can address specific community needs and support local nonprofits. Community foundations are set up by people, corporations and families.
The Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky serves Appalachian Kentucky by supporting communities, growing assets and strengthening leadership. We are a nationally-accredited, tax exempt public charity that allows people to establish permanent endowment funds and gift funds under the umbrella of one large foundation. That means that we offer lots of ways to make a real impact through gifts of any amount. To learn more, visit our ways to give page.
What makes you different from every other community foundation?
Traditional community models connect different funds to donors who are interested in them. We do that too. But, we also approach grantmaking from a commitment to intentionally keeping the power, wealth and decisions with people rooted within those communities. We use our network and voice to inspire support for persistent problems within communities. By sharing experience and expertise, we provide a platform for communities to speak for themselves. Check out more about our approach here.
Who do you serve?
We serve Appalachian Kentucky by building communities and encouraging philanthropy rooted here.
Where do you get the money you donate?
The money we invest in communities comes from many different types of gifts to various funds. Our partners, investors and donors come from diverse economic backgrounds. Because we are able to acquire funds from so many sources to dedicate to communities, we are able to make a big impact with any size of gift. You can learn about ways to give here and types of funds here.
Why be a donor?
Foundation donors are committed to strengthening the communities they love. They understand that partnering with us means their gift will make the greatest impact possible. They value our professional know-how when it comes to maximizing tax benefits, but more than that they see how they can build a legacy of generosity while supporting a place that is meaningful to them. Discover the impact of gifts here.
Who governs the Foundation?
Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky is governed by a knowledgeable Board of Directors centered on using their talents to support the communities throughout the region that they represent. Our Board can be found here.
What do you fund?
The Foundation makes grants to local people and programs working toward lasting, positive change. A full list of our funds can be found here. If you’re interested in creating a fund or receiving a grant, we encourage you to contact us.
How can I apply for a grant?
Applications begin with a letter of interest or letter of intent to the Foundation. We work hard to partner with initiatives that have a strong impact on our communities and the region. Your first step is to reach out and contact us.
What are the financial benefits and tax advantages of gifting through the Foundation?
Our approach offers a number of important financial benefits to donors. The Foundation manages unrestricted and discretionary funds from many donors in one place so administrative costs and service fees for any one fund are minimized – which means less overhead cost to a single donor’s fund. Another important advantage is that the state of Kentucky offers tax credits for contributions to a permanent endowment in a community foundation through ENDOW KENTUCKY. The federal tax code also provides significant incentives for contributions to a community foundation.
The Foundation has various funds to accommodate donors who prefer the long-term strategy of endowments, as well as those who want to give more actively each year. Donors can choose to establish one of these funds, which allow donors to recommend grants, or can choose to contribute to an existing fund that is flexible in response to emerging needs in the community. Please contact us for more details.
How are the Foundation’s funds invested and managed?
An expert Investment Committee of respected individuals from the region’s financial sector serve pro bono alongside our professional investment manager to wisely guide the board of directors in maximizing short- and long-term investments of the funds. To learn more, see our investment and spending policy on our financials page.
What services do I receive as a donor and is there a fee for this?
We provide all IRS reporting, accounting and accountability. The Foundation assures that all grant recipients meet appropriate tests to satisfy tax-deductible status, and all scholarship recipients meet eligibility requirements. Donors are kept apprised of special community needs on a regular basis. We can also help donors publicize their funds or, conversely, act as a community liaison to provide anonymity for donors.
How do I make a donation?
Cash donations designated to the community endowment fund can be made online here or by mail. Information about ways to give can be found here. To request information about other ways to give, contact us.