The Floyd County Community Foundation gave two well-deserving local organizations a kick start for 2023.
Soul Food was awarded $5,000 for their school backpack food program. The program is 100 percent volunteer-led and incurs no administrative costs. Volunteers are responsible for ordering food, picking up food, packing food, and delivering food to the Family Resource Departments at Floyd County schools.
“Food insecurity is a problem that is consistently front-of-mind for our region,” said Floyd County Foundation Chair Ellen Harris. “We are proud to support an organization that is ensuring our children are not going hungry on the weekends.”
Along with the grant to Soul Food, the Floyd County Community Foundation gave a grant of $2,000 to the Floyd County Emergency and Rescue Squad to continue their mission and work. Established in 1958 after a tragic school bus accident, the Squad is committed to protecting the people of Floyd County and offers members the training and equipment they need.
The Floyd County Community Foundation is an affiliate of the Foundation for Appalachian
Kentucky. Their mission is to support efforts that build long-term capacity towards improving the quality of life in Floyd County, Kentucky, and address the immediate needs of their community, especially their most disadvantaged neighbors.
Board members are Ellen Harris (chair), John Rosenberg (vice chair), Kelli Martin (secretary), Missy Allen, Rhonda Clark, Misha Curnutte, Alicia Dawson, Suzanne Kinzer, Surekha Maddiwar, Evan Smith, Jim Stewart, and Kathy Stumbo. Floyd County Community Foundation board members encourage businesses, organizations, and individuals to consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Floyd County Community Foundation to help support the good work happening in Floyd County.
Donations can be made to the Floyd County Community Foundation online at http://bit.ly/FloydCF or mail a check to the Floyd County Community Foundation, PO Box 1734, Prestonsburg, KY 41653.