As a public charity, the Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky makes a point of operating in an open manner that welcomes scrutiny.
We take our obligation to donors, community groups, and the public very seriously. Accordingly, our federal tax return and audited financial statements are posted on our website, available through Guidestar, and are on file with the Kentucky State Attorney General.
Assets managed by the Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky may be either held in cash and cash equivalents or invested in the investment pool. The primary objective of the investments of the Foundation will be to provide for consistent long-term growth of principal and income without undue exposure to risk. The investment objective is to achieve a total return including appreciation which will satisfy the current financial needs of the various funds, protect and increase their long term inflation adjusted value, and minimize short run volatility.
Our investment pool is managed by an external investment manager, Community Trust and Investment Company (CTIC). CTIC provides assistance implementing our investment plan with the Investment/Finance Committee that oversees our investment management process and overall investment strategy. Charitable funds may also elect to keep their own personal investment advisor to manage the assets of their fund, regardless of fund size.