Elijah “Lige” Clarke (1942-1975) was a native of Hindman, Kentucky and a formative figure of the Queer Liberation Movement in the mid-20th Century. In the mid-1960’s, while he was in the US Army (with top security clearances, assigned to the Army’s Chief-of-Staff at the Pentagon), Lige would pass ... KEEP READING
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AIF’s Co-Founder Reflects on Impact
Impact. Often an ill used word, sometimes obvious, sometimes not so much. The work- “impact”- of AIF over the past five years has been obvious in helping business, their employees and families within the region survive pandemics, floods, and the collapse of a mono-economy. Perhaps not so ... KEEP READING
A Message from Our CEO
It’s hard to know how to talk about what we have collectively been through as a country and a region over the last two years. It’s been a period of collective ambiguity, challenges, and a seemingly never-ending series of surprises. Many of us are ending this year wondering, “What could possibly come ... KEEP READING
First Homeowner Moves In at Gurney’s Bend!
New Homeowner Alfred has his own bedroom - and a bed to sleep in - for the first time in 10 years. For 10 years, Alfred slept on a couch every night so that his grandchildren could have a bed. His daughter and her children had to move in with Alfred all those years ago, even though his home ... KEEP READING
C.A.N.E. Community Kitchen
The Community Agriculture and Nutritional Enterprises (C.A.N.E.) Community Kitchen, created in partnership with Mountain Comprehensive Health Corporation, was established as a working commercial kitchen to provide new markets and increase the agricultural footprint in Letcher County and surrounding ... KEEP READING
The Kentucky Double Dollars Program Is a Win-Win for Kentucky Farmers and Families
The Kentucky Double Dollars program increases access to fresh, locally raised produce, meat, eggs, and dairy for families who are low-income while at the same time increasing sales and income for Kentucky farmers. It does this by matching eligible purchases made with SNAP (formerly known as ... KEEP READING
Endow Kentucky Tax Credit Makes the Most of Charitable Contributions
There has never been a better time to make a long term investment in your community and the causes you care about the most. Thanks to the Endow Kentucky Tax Credit, businesses and individuals are now eligible to receive substantial state tax credits for gifts to endowed charitable ... KEEP READING